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Garner TS-1 Data EliminatorTM (NSA /CSS Approved Degausser)

Garner TS-1 Data Eliminator (NSA/ CSS Approved Degausser

The Garner TS-1 Data EliminatorTM, an NSA approved high security degausser, combines Garner's proven solid-state technology and a 20,000 gauss erasing coil to deliver complete hard drive erasure of classifi ed "Top Secret" data in 45 seconds..

Onboard diagnostics confi rm each and every erase cycle ensuring complete erasure every time while eliminating the need for a separate instrument to check the erasing force of the magnetic fi eld. Compact and portable, the TS-1 can be easily transported to the location of the media for on-site erasure and de-classifi cation.

TS-1 Features (Download PDF brochure)

• Approved for use by NSA/CSS/DoD
• Highest government erasure certifi cation
• 2 Tesla (20,000 Gauss) of erasing force
• 45 second cycle time (60 drives/tapes per hour)
• Built-in magnetic fi eld checker
• Quiet, offi ce friendly operation
• Solid state design proven by Garner
• LCD display
• Optional custom wheeled transport case

TS-1 Features and Capabilities:

The TS-1 is the newest and most innovative product in the Garner line of degaussers. With 2 Tesla (20,000 gauss) of power, the TS-1 erases the highest coercivity magnetic media available today. The TS-1 erases 5,000 Oe hard drives (laptop, desktop and network up to 1" high) and up to 3,000 Oe high coercivity tape media, including all formats of LTO (1,2,3,4), SuperDLT I & II, DLT, AIT, 3590 Series, 8mm and more, all without any adapters. With a continuous duty rating (no cooling breaks necessary), quiet operation and a 45 second cycle time, the TS-1 offers a fast, cost effective erasing solution for Top Secret data.

TS-1 Operations:

The TS-1 is exceptionally user-friendly. Simply place your media into the drawer of the TS-1 and push the "Erase" button. Within 45 seconds the media is erased. Open the drawer and remove the media. It just doesn't get any easier than that!


Safeguards built in to the TS-1 check the stored power before each erase cycle ensuring complete erasure every time. In addition, a proprietary gauss sensor measures the erasing force in the coil at the time of discharge. If the electrical power or the erasing force is less than specifi cation, the TS-1 will report an error message to the operator and not complete the cycle until the TS-1 meets both power and erasing force requirements. Messages on the LCD Display and lighted push buttons report the status of the TS-1 to the operator.

Government Mandates:

As an NSA approved degausser, the TS-1 has been tested to and exceeded the most stringent requirements for complete erasure of magnetic media at the highest security levels including Top Secret. This approval meets all compliance standards for government mandates requiring complete elimination of information stored on magnetic media prior to re-use or disposal including:

• NSA/CSS/DoD Top Sercret
• NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Guidelines for Media Sanitization
• NIST SP 800-36
• NIST SP 800-88
• PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security
• HIPAA (Health Information Portability and
Accountability Act)
• PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and
Electronic Documents Act)
• GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
• California Senate Bill 1386