
Your Strategic Partner in Data Storage Management

To ensure optimal data availability, recovery and security for maximum business continuity across all industries.

Our Services

When you erase a file on your computer, the actual data in the file is not overwritten. The space utilized by that file is simply marked as "free" for use by other data.

Write data

A tiny recording head creates magnetic patterns by magnetizing small magnetic particles embedded in the surface of the media.

Erase data

The patterns remain on the media until changed by an opposing magnetic field with field strength greater than the coercivity level of the magnetic particle. This means that to completely remove data on the media, it must be passed through a very strong and concentrated magnetic field.

What is Degaussing?

Degaussing is a separate process from the computer system. It is a process that utilizes a machine to produce a strong electromagnetic field that destroys magnetically recorded data on a magnetic media. (E.g. hard disk and tape media...)

Who and Why degaussing is needed for your media?

• Radio/Television broadcasters: enables expensive tapes to be re-used.
• Computer departments of corporations: allows re-use of back up tapes and safe disposal of information from PC hard drives.
• Data Storage Companies: data no longer needed can be easily and efficiently erased.
• Defense Organisations: confidential and top secret information can be erased.
• CCTV Operators: allows VHS tapes to be re-used again and again.
• Audio/Video duplicators: allows re-use of any production over runs and returned out of date tapes.
• Financial Services: Banks and insurance companies can use a degausser to re-use magnetic media for voice logging systems.
• Emergency Services: Re-use tapes used in voice logging systems.
• Hospitals: erase sensitive information held on magnetic media, such as patient records no longer required.
• Universities: allows student records that are no longer needed to be erased.

pictureHard Disk and Tape Degaussing Service

Degaussing, also known as bulk erasing, permanently removes all data, formatting and control track information from tapes, hard drives and diskettes.  A strong focused magnetic field envelopes the media changing the magnetic properties of the entire data area in seconds.  Degaussing erases working and non-working media ensuring proper data security before re-use or disposal.


pictureOn Site/Off Site Degaussing Service

We provide both on site and off site degaussing service.


picturePhysical Destruction and Sanitization Service

To further enhance the security of your data, we offers physical hard drive destruction after degaussing.  While degaussing permanently erases the hard drive, the hard drive is not visually altered making it impossible to identify degaussed media from non-degaussed media.  Physical destruction will bend the hard drive in half, giving the visual identification necessary to positively identify hard drives that have been properly sanitized.  In addition, physical destruction will guarantee that nobody tries to recover the data.


pictureProvide Certification

We also provide Data Degaussing Destruction Certificates and Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreements.
